Mississippi River Watershed Partnership

Get Involved

AWI is always looking for diverse organizations to join the discussion about the health of the Watershed.

Join the Conversation.

AWI, in partnership with The Nature Conservancy, has brought together government, community, academic, industry, and NGO leaders to build a diverse and robust partnership across different sectors to develop shared priorities across the entire Watershed.

This coalition will act as one voice to generate broad support and dedicated funding to drive integrated on-the-ground action to improve the health of the Watershed for the human and natural communities that depend on it.

“When you face an intractable problem – enlarge it – within this expansion there will be zones of agreement.”

General Peter “Duke” DeLuca, from Dwight Eisenhower

Why do we need a Mississippi River Watershed Partnership?

The Mississippi River Watershed is the only large Watershed in the United States without formal coordination of programmatic activities and comprehensive dedicated funding across its sub-Basins.