Report Card Outreach Materials

NOTES: Feel free to customize these materials to meet the needs of your audience or to–for instance–describe your organization’s role in the Report Card process. Photos with appropriate credit information are included in the e-newsletter documents. Also, you can download the Mississippi River Watershed-wide “paddlewheel grades graphic” and the AWI Basin Map at the bottom of this page.

Key Messages, Press Release & Other Core Comms Materials

E-newsletter items (that include high-res photos)

Social Media Posts

Find generic as well as goal-specific and basin-specific messaging that you can post on your organization’s Facebook or Twitter accounts to announce the release of America’s Watershed Report Card. Photos are included in this toolkit.

You can also help promote America’s Watershed Initiative Report Card by:

  • Posting more social media messages about the report. In addition to this toolkit, we have provided another document with messaging related to specific report card goals.
  • Following @AWInitiative and @Nature_org on Twitter and retweeting posts.
  • Following The Nature Conservancy on Facebook and sharing content.

Use the Hashtag #RaiseTheGrade to help us track your social media

Watershed Grades

Right click on the image below and select “Download” to save it to your computer.

America’s Watershed

Right click on the image below and select “Download” to save it to your computer.